
News from Nepal

May 4, 2015

By Mandil Prad­han, lead guide of our Trea­sures of the Himalaya Ride in Nepal As you all know already, a mas­sive earth­quake M 7.9 ripped through my coun­try Nepal a lit­tle over a week ago. Although my imme­di­ate fam­i­ly and I are safe, many oth­ers were not as for­tu­nate. I am also…



Mountain Bike the World… with Your Partner!

April 14, 2015

Last year, we launched our most unique adven­tures ever. Our new Bring-Your-Part­ner Rides are designed specif­i­cal­ly for pas­sion­ate moun­tain bik­ers with part­ners who don’t moun­tain bike, as a way of enjoy­ing an amaz­ing hol­i­day togeth­er… with­out com­pro­mise. I devel­oped these trips with some­what self­ish motives: I too have a part­ner (my wife)…



When Is the Best Time to Book Flights?

March 31, 2015

We’ve all been there: you’ve got an awe­some vaca­tion lined up (like maybe a Sacred Rides adven­ture?), and you want to get your flights booked but you’re not sure when the best time to book your flight is. So you keep an eye on fares, check the  book­ing web­sites dai­ly, and…


For Women

Top 6 Mountain Biking Blogs for Women

April 2, 2015

Post­ed by Mea­gan Broughton. Pho­to Cred­it: Mar­ti­na Halik, of Raven Eye Pho­tog­ra­phy Are you a moun­tain bik­ing Mom who needs some tips on jug­gling the act of shred­ding with the respon­si­bil­i­ty of fam­i­ly life?  Or maybe you need some inspi­ra­tion to plan your next moun­tain bike road trip with your best…


Mountain Bike Tips

11 New MacGeyver-Style Mountain Bike Hacks

March 23, 2015

Pho­to: Rus­sell Haines, Nepal You may have already seen our 11 DIY Moun­tain Bike Hacks. Well, as many of us are gear­ing up for rid­ing sea­son, it’s time for some new ones. Lo and behold, here are 11 new MTB hacks that will have you primed for two-wheeled adven­tures, sav­ing mad…


For Women

From White Picket Fence to Mud Splattered Face

March 13, 2015

by Mea­gan Broughton As my role with Sacred Rides is to research, design, test and launch our Women’s Rides around the globe, I have been for­tu­nate enough to con­nect with many inspir­ing women. Some young, some retired, oth­ers just start­ing out in the sport mid-life. Some that race at a…



Top 5 Moab Mountain Bike Trails

March 8, 2015

Pho­to by Tyson  Swasey By Joshua Doucette Choos­ing the top five trails in Moab is a bit like choos­ing your favorite song. It all depends on what kind of mood you’re in, your ener­gy lev­el or how your day’s been. Maybe you want to blow off some steam, grab your…


Training, Nutrition, and Health

3 Tips to Structure Your Training

February 28, 2015

Today’s guest blog post comes from Cer­ti­fied High Per­for­mance Coach and Ath­lete, Adam Mor­ka, founder of Wired For Per­for­mance.  First, we must under­stand, what is train­ing? “Train­ing can be defined as the stim­u­la­tion of bio­log­i­cal adap­ta­tions that result in an improve­ment in per­for­mance in a giv­en task.” — Dun­can Mac­dougall. Simple…



Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

February 26, 2015

On Feb­ru­ary 3rd, 2015, 9  sin­gle­track-lov­ing, adven­ture-hun­gry folks met in New Zealand’s South Island  for what one Rid­er described as “the best week of my life”. Dirt was shred, laughs were had and life­long bonds were formed. The  fol­low­ing is a short Rid­er-sub­mit­ted sto­ry, some snap­shots and a kick­ass 6‑minute…


For Women

Women’s Specific Mountain Bike Apparel

February 19, 2015

Mar­ti­na Halik, Raven Eye Pho­tog­ra­phy.   Ride:  Pura Vida Yoga and Moun­tain Bike Retreat)  If you’re any­thing like me (a 30+ year old female moun­tain bik­er with a full-time desk job) you are fit — with hips.  (#FitWith­Hips — new hash­tag?  I think so). #FitWith­Hips could mean: A gap­ing waist…
