British Columbia

$ 3,479.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 6 days
  • Fit­ness: Blue Square
  • Skill: Blue Square

The Rocky Moun­tains of Cana­da are one of the wildest places on Earth. The thou­sands of square miles of wilder­ness is a major cor­ri­dor for the migra­tion of all kinds of wild ani­mals, from moun­tain goats to griz­zly bears. Sam­ple some of the finest rid­ing that Fer­nie, Inver­mere, and Golden…

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$ 3,095.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 7 days
  • Fit­ness: Black Diamond
  • Skill: Black Diamond

The Pacif­ic North­west, Wash­ing­ton, the Cas­cades, and Puget Sound. Home of the Dou­glas Firs, Orca whales, bald eagles, wild white-water rivers, strong cof­fee, and count­less IPAs… Expe­ri­ence the best of the best Seat­tle moun­tain bik­ing! This exclu­sive 7‑day ride tells the tale of the Cas­cade Range. Lush rain forests and…

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$ 2,395.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 5 days
  • Fit­ness: Blue Square
  • Skill: Green Circle

5 days in a lit­tle slice of par­adise, moun­tain bik­ing in Leav­en­worth has some­thing for every­one! This Bavar­i­an-themed town in the heart of the Cas­cade Moun­tains is the per­fect host for your sin­gle­track adven­ture. Just a hop, skip, and a jump, err a cou­ple hour dri­ve from the Ever­green forests,…

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North Carolina

$ 2,795.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 6 days
  • Fit­ness: Black Diamond
  • Skill: Black Diamond

Pis­gah Nation­al For­est is the Moun­tain Bike Mec­ca of the East. It’s been on our rid­ing dream map for decades, not we final­ly have your buck­et list spot ready for Sacred Rides prime time. Hard trails over rock slabs, under a canopy of hard­woods, off-cam­ber roots with some down-right fun…

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$ 2,795.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 5 days
  • Fit­ness: Blue Square
  • Skill: Black Diamond

BIG, EPIC, SWEEPING VISTAS AND SCENERY LIKE NOWHERE ELSE ON THE PLANET WITH SOME OF THE MOST JAW-DROPPING MOUNTAIN BIKING ANYWHERE ON EARTH. Not as well-known (or as crowd­ed) as its famous cousin, Moab, to the East, the St. George and Hur­ri­cane areas nonethe­less offer up epic moun­tain bik­ing on…

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$ 2,795.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 5 days
  • Fit­ness: Blue Square
  • Skill: Green Circle

Expe­ri­ence the South­west in the com­pa­ny of like-mind­ed adven­tur­ers and wel­com­ing instruc­tors while enjoy­ing a heavy dose of well-deserved vaca­tion! Spend a week in a scenic moun­tain bik­er’s par­adise with a focus on mov­ing your rid­ing to the next lev­el. Expe­ri­ence the breath­tak­ing beau­ty of south­west­ern Utah, one of the…

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$ 2,895.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 6 days
  • Fit­ness: Black Diamond
  • Skill: Black Diamond

As glac­i­ers start­ed retreat­ing at the end of the last ice age, they left in their wake a rugged land­scape of deep val­leys, tow­er­ing cliffs, and wild rivers — a moun­tain bik­er’s par­adise was cre­at­ed. In addi­tion to this land’s unique geog­ra­phy, it took the ded­i­ca­tion, resolve and savoir-faire of its people…

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Slovenia / Croatia

$ 3,995.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 10 days
  • Fit­ness: Blue Square
  • Skill: Blue Square

The word Balkan comes from Turk­ish, mean­ing “chain of wood­ed moun­tains.” Had the ancient Turks rid­den moun­tain bikes, they might have come up with anoth­er word for “wood­ed moun­tains with killer moun­tain bik­ing.” The Balkan coun­tries of Slove­nia and Croa­t­ia are just that sort of place, with the Sloven­ian Alps and Istri­an moun­tains of…

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New Zealand

$ 4,800.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 10 days
  • Fit­ness: Blue Square
  • Skill: Blue Square

Kia Ora means ‘be well’ in the Maori lan­guage. You won’t find it hard to be well in New Zealand, one of the most spell­bind­ing coun­tries on Earth. On this incred­i­ble 10-day ride, you’ll ride with ghosts along New Zealand’s most epic back­coun­try track (the now famous Old Ghost Road)…

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$ 3,395.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 9 days
  • Fit­ness: Black Diamond
  • Skill: Black Diamond

Big, mas­sive, epic down­hills — that’s the rid­ing on our Inca adven­ture. There are few words that can match the grand scale of moun­tain bik­ing in the Andes. Descend 50,000 feet on this incred­i­ble mul­ti-day down­hill adven­ture in the Andes. Shred the Lares Trail start­ing at 14,500 feet and experience…

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