British Columbia

$ 4,795.00

  • Ride Type: e‑MTB
  • Dura­tion: 8 days
  • Fit­ness: Blue Square
  • Skill: Black Diamond

New to 2024, we’ve gone along with the emtb craze and cre­at­ed some­thing mag­nif­i­cent — a tour with hun­dreds of kilo­me­ters of amaz­ing BC sin­gle­track, thou­sands of meters of climb­ing, the best tech­ni­cal descents we can find, and an over­all expe­ri­ence that you’ll remem­ber for the rest of your life.…

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British Columbia

$ 3,479.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 6 days
  • Fit­ness: Blue Square
  • Skill: Blue Square

The Rocky Moun­tains of Cana­da are one of the wildest places on Earth. The thou­sands of square miles of wilder­ness is a major cor­ri­dor for the migra­tion of all kinds of wild ani­mals, from moun­tain goats to griz­zly bears. Sam­ple some of the finest rid­ing that Fer­nie, Inver­mere, and Golden…

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