
Video: Biking and Paddling in Patagonia

August 7, 2015

Patag­o­nia offers some amaz­ing adven­ture trav­el oppor­tu­ni­ties! Enjoy this epic video from our Patag­o­nia Ped­al and Pad­dle trip! The word Patag­o­nia con­jures up images of brave adven­tur­ers and remote land­scapes in a hid­den cor­ner of the world. For cen­turies the world’s bravest have test­ed them­selves in these lands — often with…


Inspiration & Humour

7 Reasons I Started Cheating on My Road Bike

July 13, 2015

About the Author: Louise Smith is an avid moun­tain bik­er, hik­er and out­door enthu­si­ast. After a suc­cess­ful career in mar­ket­ing, keynote speak­ing, writ­ing and cor­po­rate train­ing, she has semi-retired to a chalet ‘in the Ontario north.’ Cur­rent­ly, Louise pro­vides wis­dom and advice to over 50,000 fol­low­ers on her Lessons of Life Face­book page. …


Training, Nutrition, and Health

10 Ways Yoga Benefits Mountain Bikers

July 10, 2015

Why com­bine moun­tain bik­ing with yoga? After all, doesn’t a post-ride ‘cerveza’ do the same trick to boost your body into rest and relax­ation mode? The beer might hit the spot, but as your mus­cles seize up, your body won’t be very pumped for a ride the next day. Yoga…


For Women Inspiration & Humour

8 Myths About Women Who Mountain Bike

July 5, 2015

About the Author: Jill Hin­ton (above right) is a moun­tain bik­er and Chief Hero­ine of the Out­door Book Club, an online com­mu­ni­ty of out­door­swomen who love books. You can fol­low her on Twit­ter @outdoorbookclub or con­tact her direct­ly to learn more.  My lady moun­tain-bik­ing friends are some of the most intre­pid women I know,…


Destinations For Women

Photo Journal: Women’s Rocky Mountain Bike Adventure

July 3, 2015

The Wom­en’s Rocky Moun­tain Bike Adven­ture is just that.  8 full days of epic explo­ration by bike through some of Canada’s most remark­able land­scape: The Rocky Moun­tains of British Colum­bia. The Wom­en’s Rocky Moun­tain Bike Adven­ture has been designed for pas­sion­ate moun­tain bik­ers with Strong Inter­me­di­ate lev­el skills look­ing to progress with…


Inspiration & Humour Travel Tips

When Is Your Next Microadventure?

June 24, 2015

At Sacred Rides, we encour­age trav­ellers and moun­tain bik­ers to step out of their com­fort zones and expe­ri­ence new adven­tures. After all, you learn a lot about your­self and oth­ers when you take risks, get out­side and explore. Many peo­ple believe liv­ing an adven­tur­ous lifestyle is unat­tain­able, due to busy…


For Women

Women’s Mountain Bike Shorts

June 8, 2015

Wom­en’s Moun­tain Bike Shorts.  An item I once thought only came in the colour black, is now flood­ing our mar­ket with options.   Func­tion­al designs offer­ing fea­tures like thigh vents and crash-resist­ing mate­ri­als are now avail­able for women who shred like they mean it.  And the colour black?  Save it for your…


For Women Mountain Bike Tips

Mountain Bike Tips: Riding Positions

June 5, 2015

In this video, Johan­na Wein­trager, our Lead Guide and Pro­fes­sion­al Moun­tain Bike Instruc­tor from British Colum­bia, takes us through moun­tain bike skills required for suc­cess­ful climb­ing and descend­ing. Johan­na demon­strates when to use the “Fore” and “Aft” body posi­tions while moun­tain bik­ing. Try Johanna’s tips and tricks on your next…


Inspiration & Humour

The Questions We Ask

June 5, 2015

Some­times, we all need a bit of a reminder that adven­ture is nev­er too far away. In this beau­ti­ful­ly-cap­tured 3‑minute  video, writer and adven­tur­er  Bruce Kirk­by  trav­els 150km over 5 days  on an inflat­able pad­dle board, from Van­cou­ver to Vic­to­ria. His jour­ney  brings about the many ques­tions we ask when…


Mountain Bike Tips

Mountain Bike Tips: the Basics

May 29, 2015

In this video, Johan­na Wein­trager, our lead instruc­tor from British Colum­bia, takes us through moun­tain bike tips and trail skills required to have a fun, safe and enjoy­able ride. Johan­na demon­strates the impor­tance of planes of bal­ance, body posi­tion and line of sight when moun­tain bik­ing. Use Johanna’s tips and…
