
Video: Biking and Paddling in Patagonia

August 7, 2015

Patag­o­nia offers some amaz­ing adven­ture trav­el oppor­tu­ni­ties! Enjoy this epic video from our Patag­o­nia Ped­al and Pad­dle trip!

The word Patag­o­nia con­jures up images of brave adven­tur­ers and remote land­scapes in a hid­den cor­ner of the world. For cen­turies the world’s bravest have test­ed them­selves in these lands — often with dis­as­trous results.

These days, Patag­o­nia still offers up plen­ty of adven­ture, but with­out the heap­ing serv­ings of hard­ship. On our Ped­al and Pad­dle trip, in Argen­tin­ian Patag­o­nia, you too can play Mag­el­lan and unleash your inner explor­er, but with a nice side dish of com­fort at our spec­tac­u­lar back­coun­try ecolodge. Had those ear­ly explor­ers had their own wood-fired hot tub over­look­ing the Andes, they may have stayed a while longer. And if they’d known about the net­work of beau­ti­ful rides sur­round­ing our lodge, well they just may have giv­en up the explor­ing life all togeth­er and set­tled down in this lit­tle cor­ner of paradise.

To ramp up the adven­ture fac­tor just a lit­tle more (and take advan­tage of the two world-class white­wa­ter rivers near­by), we’re throw­ing in a few after­noons of white­wa­ter raft­ing, horse­back rid­ing, trail build­ing, and an overnight excur­sion to a beau­ti­ful river­side cab­in. About the only thing we left out to make this the most adven­tur­ous adven­ture ever are the scurvy, and rick­ety boat to get you home.