For Women

Calling All Lady Shredders

September 30, 2021

For all the ladies (cis, trans, and non-bina­ry) look­ing to leave the men at home while you kick back and catch some flowy sin­gle­track with just the girls—we’ve got you covered!

Sacred Rides currently offers 4 unique women’s mountain bike tours (with more in the works).

Mountain Bike Mecca of Southwest Utah

Viva South­west is begin­ner ori­ent­ed, large­ly focused on moun­tain bike skills and bike han­dling while enjoy­ing the beau­ti­ful scenery in the moun­tain bike mec­ca of South­west Utah. In a pro­gres­sion for­mat, each day we cov­er new skills and take them to the trail for prac­tice; you’ll con­tin­ue to build on each skill with every new trail and fea­ture we encounter. 

Click here to learn more or to book our 5‑Day Wom­en’s South­west Moun­tain Bike Trip.

St. George and Hurricane, Utah + Las Vegas, Nevada

Sin­ners and Saints is tai­lored to our Intermediate/advanced rid­ers. This itin­er­ary is very sim­i­lar to Viva South­west except we explore more chal­leng­ing ter­rain and add anoth­er day of rid­ing. Our guides who are all cer­ti­fied instruc­tors will be cov­er­ing more inter­me­di­ate to advanced skills and maneu­vers. We will build on these skills each day and prac­tice on trail. When appro­pri­ate we will make stops for those who would like to ses­sion chal­leng­ing features. 

Click here to learn more or to book our Sin­ners & Saints Moun­tain Bike Trip for Women.

Mountain Biking, Yoga, SUP, and Relaxation in Costa Rica

Pura Vida and Moun­tain Bike Retreat is for those inter­me­di­ate rid­ers look­ing for more than just bik­ing. This incred­i­ble tour based out of Cos­ta Rica has a great mix of moun­tain bik­ing, yoga, stand-up pad­dle­board­ing, and relax­ation. Sun­set din­ners over­look­ing the Pacif­ic Ocean; trop­i­cal, white sandy beach­es; and sun­rise yoga ses­sions are all part of this adventure. 

Learn more or book Cos­ta Rica Pura Vida & 8‑Day Moun­tain Bike Retreat.

La Joie de Vivre and the World’s Premier Fatbiking Centre

Wilder­ness and Water­falls: Que­bec City is a tour packed with a big punch! You’ll be rid­ing the best sin­gle­track Que­bec City has to offer. Imag­ine descend­ing slabs along a cas­cad­ing water­fall, big berms, and fast flowy descents. All this com­bined with yoga, stand-up pad­dle­board­ing, a spa day, and spe­cial­ly-select­ed local foods, wine, and brews to enjoy at the end of the day. 

Learn more and book 5‑Day Wom­en’s Québec City Sin­gle­track Escape.

Can’t decide which one suits you best? Give us a call — we’d be hap­py to help you out.

We’re also work­ing on cre­at­ing wom­en’s only tours in Wash­ing­ton State and Baja, Mex­i­co. Stay tuned!