Sacred Rides

Ultimate Winter Mountain Bike Sweepstakes — Winner Draw

August 18, 2015

We have a winner(s)!

Thanks to all of you who par­tic­i­pat­ed in our Ulti­mate Win­ter Moun­tain Bike Sweep­stakes, to win a free moun­tain bike trip for two to one of our win­ter des­ti­na­tions!

Today was our draw date, and in the inter­ests of trans­paren­cy, I record­ed this short screen cap­ture to show you the process by which our win­ners were cho­sen. Please note: I had to blur out the email address­es and loca­tions of our win­ners due to pri­va­cy issues.

Thanks for par­tic­i­pat­ing, and if you did­n’t win — don’t get dis­cour­aged! We’ll be doing anoth­er draw very soon. Just make sure you join one of our mail­ing lists so you can be notified!

Click below to watch the video and find out if you won (the win­ners will be con­tact­ed via email tomorrow):