
The Traveling Mountain Biker’s Insurance Primer

August 29, 2014

This is a some­what com­pre­hen­sive “primer” for those look­ing to trav­el with their moun­tain bike. It is not a “be all and end all” sum­ma­tion of trav­el insur­ance infor­ma­tion, but is rather meant to answer some of the who, what, where, when, and how’s that can come up when pondering…


Mountain Bike Tips

Intro to Mountain Bike Lingo

August 23, 2014

(adapt­ed from the ABC of Moun­tain Bik­ing)  There are so many moun­tain bike terms and jar­gon out there that any­one new to the sport can eas­i­ly feel like they’re join­ing a fra­ter­ni­ty or becom­ing a pirate. It’s pret­ty easy to feel con­fused — I remem­ber going on my first moun­tain bike…


Mountain Bike Tips

How to Buy Your First Mountain Bike — 4 Tips

July 29, 2014

The fol­low­ing is a guest post by our friend Corey Mad­docks at If you’re look­ing for more infor­ma­tion like this, check out our 66-page Begin­ner’s Guide to Moun­tain Bik­ing e‑book — down­load it for free using the form at right! HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR FIRST MOUNTAIN BIKE Soon after get­ting bitten…


Training, Nutrition, and Health

6 Awesome Mountain Bike Exercises

July 5, 2014

YOUR OWN MOUNTAIN BIKING TRAINING PROGRAM! Here are 6 awe­some train­ing exer­cis­es you can use to get you moun­tain bik­ing faster, stronger, and with few­er injuries, from our friend Steven Moniz at Mon­vi­da Sports. SQUATS Squats work your glutes, ham­strings and quads. Start with your feet shoul­der-width apart, your core tight…


Inspiration & Humour

10 Reasons Why Mountain Biking Is Better Than Road Biking

December 27, 2013

First off, a dis­claimer: I’m a moun­tain bik­er. Always have been, always will. And as the founder of a moun­tain bike adven­ture com­pa­ny, I’ve made it my career. So I’m more than a bit biased. Sec­ond­ly, I don’t have any­thing against road rid­ing. I’ve tried it many times. I tried to…


Inspiration & Humour

10 (More) Things Every Mountain Biker Should Do Before They Die

December 18, 2013

My friend Tom Malecha (Filme Von Draussen on Vimeo, and edi­tor of our Why We Ride and Life is Bet­ter on a Moun­tain Bike videos) released an amaz­ing video yes­ter­day, enti­tled ’10 Things Every Moun­tain Bik­er Should Have Done’. It’s a beau­ti­ful video, and you can check it out at the end of this…


Inspiration & Humour Mountain Bike Tips

9 Tips for Making Your Adventure Dream Come True

December 13, 2013

I know mak­ing your ‘buck­et list’ dreams come true isn’t easy. Life — and bills, and work, and all kinds of oth­er things — keeps get­ting in the way of our best-laid plans. But if we let life keep get­ting in the way of our dreams, we find our­selves one…


Travel Tips

5 Tips for Flying with Your Mountain Bike

July 6, 2013

1. GET A PROPER CASE If you plan on trav­el­ing more than once with your moun­tain bike, or are doing mul­ti­ple legs on your jour­ney, invest in a prop­er case for your bike. Noth­ing sucks more than get­ting to your des­ti­na­tion, open­ing up your card­board bike box and find­ing a…


Travel Tips

5 Tips for Flying With Your Mountain Bike

July 6, 2013

1. Get a prop­er case If you plan on trav­el­ing more than once with your moun­tain bike, or are doing mul­ti­ple legs on your jour­ney, invest in a prop­er case for your bike. Noth­ing sucks more than get­ting to your des­ti­na­tion, open­ing up your card­board bike box and find­ing a…


Travel Tips

Top Adventure Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

July 3, 2013

Research shows that over 30% of adven­ture trav­ellers on guid­ed trips report being dis­sat­is­fied with their expe­ri­ence. Often this comes down to some eas­i­ly avoid­able mis­takes. So, after 17 years of trav­el­ing the world with my moun­tain bike and learn­ing the hard way, I’ve list­ed some of the most common…
