
Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

February 26, 2015

On Feb­ru­ary 3rd, 2015, 9  sin­gle­track-lov­ing, adven­ture-hun­gry folks met in New Zealand’s South Island  for what one Rid­er described as “the best week of my life”.

Dirt was shred, laughs were had and life­long bonds were formed.

The  fol­low­ing is a short Rid­er-sub­mit­ted sto­ry, some snap­shots and a kick­ass 6‑minute video of what tran­spired in that week. Enjoy!

By Chari Pack

Dis­claimer: Your Sacred Rides group may become fam­i­ly… but in a good way!

It was like sum­mer camp on wheels. Jump­ing in a van with 10 strangers and not know­ing what to expect. Then there was the bik­ing fac­tor, will I be able to keep up? I cer­tain­ly did not want to slow  the group down!

5 hours into our Misty Moun­tain Hop New Zealand adven­ture, I felt more com­fort­able than ever. Any doubts I had about this trip were long gone. Maybe it was the endor­phin high from rid­ing bikes through the most beau­ti­ful places on earth? Maybe it was our killer guides, Ben and Cristi­na? What­ev­er it was, our group imme­di­ate­ly had formed it’s own sacred camaraderie.

For 12 days straight, we laughed, we cried, we helped one anoth­er, and most impor­tant, we teased one anoth­er… just like family.

It was my first expe­ri­ence with Sacred Rides, but cer­tain­ly not my last.

Group shot. GoPros galore!
The boys
The girls
Boat cruisin’ to beau­ti­ful Lochmara Lodge
Rid­ing the epic Old Ghost Road, New  Zealand’s longest con­tin­u­ous slice of sin­gle­track (85km) and longest down­hill (26km)
Bikes, locked and loaded
Heli-bik­ing to the top of the Vic­to­ria Moun­tain Range
Takin’ in the views
Our lit­tle fam­i­ly. I already  miss these guys!!
