
8 Videos That Will Make You Want to Mountain Bike in Peru

November 8, 2018

We invit­ed Ryan from the Loam Ranger YouTube Chan­nel to join us on our Inca Trail All-Moun­tain ride in Peru. 

Ryan isn’t only a great moun­tain bik­er.   He also has a spe­cial tal­ent for cap­tur­ing moments that make our jaws drop and telling sto­ries that inspire us all to ride and explore a lit­tle more. 

Over the course of the 9‑day ride, Ryan pro­duced 8 videos that show­case the stun­ning beau­ty of the  Andean land­scape, the unique cul­ture and wel­com­ing peo­ple of Peru, as well as the  ‘hair-rais­ing’ and tech­ni­cal descents that Peru is known for. 

Since videos are much more cap­ti­vat­ing than any­thing I could write.… enjoy! 

1. Day 1: Welcome to Cusco, Peru

2. Day 3: Shuttling to 14,000 Feet. Twice.

3. Day 3: Lap Two.

4. Feeling Sick? Go for a Ride.

5. The Perfect Day on the Bike

6. A Little Peru Exposure

7. The Final Day

8. Bonus Ride: Mega Avalanche Downhill Course

Ready to mountain bike Peru? Check out our rides here!