
Photo Journal: Mountain Biking Iceland

January 5, 2019

Mountain Biker riding across hill ridges in Iceland

Ice­land  is a land craft­ed for moun­tain bik­ers. With breath­tak­ing scenery,  geot­her­mal hot pools, cozy accom­mo­da­tions and the wel­com­ing smile of Ice­landers, you’ll nev­er want to leave.  Not to men­tion, there is amaz­ing sin­gle­track. The moun­tain bike trails in Ice­land are demand­ing and tech­ni­cal.  You’ll have to work hard to reach the sum­mit and hike-a-bikes are includ­ed. But, there is some­thing in the chal­leng­ing climbs, and remote­ness of the Ice­land back­coun­try that makes each ride extreme­ly reward­ing.   We promise you will earn your turns and your beer at the end of the day. 

Last year, we host­ed our first two rides in Ice­land. Back-to-back groups expe­ri­enced the best Ice­land has to offer for moun­tain bik­ing, accom­mo­da­tions, food and warm Ice­landic hos­pi­tal­i­ty.   We’re excit­ed for anoth­er sum­mer sea­son in Ice­land so we can share this stun­ning des­ti­na­tion with oth­er pas­sion­ate moun­tain bikers. 

Since a pho­to speaks a thou­sand words, here are a few images from our Fire and Ice Ride. 

Thank you to rid­er Tom for shar­ing his photos. 

The ride starts in Reyk­javik, the cap­i­tal and largest city of Ice­land. The city is the per­fect land­ing spot to start your adven­ture. Soak in the sights upon arrival, vis­it muse­ums, excel­lent restau­rants, spas and geot­her­mal pools. 

Once you ven­ture out­side of Reyk­javik the remote­ness and nat­ur­al beau­ty of Ice­land will drop your jaw! 

Ready to hit the trailhead!

The weath­er in Ice­land can change quick­ly. We rec­om­mend bring­ing two pairs of rid­ing shoes (if pos­si­ble), 2 pairs of gloves and a big sense of adven­ture!  Although we have a set itin­er­ary, guides will deter­mine which trail to ride depend­ing on the dai­ly weath­er forecast. 

To offer the best expe­ri­ence pos­si­ble, we have one of the best Guide to Rid­er ratios (one guide to every four rid­ers) in the moun­tain bike tourism indus­try. And due to the remote­ness of the trails we ride in Ice­land, there are a few hike-a-bike sec­tions. No shut­tles or gon­do­las around here! (But we do have Ice­landic trail­side fish snacks!)