Destinations For Women

Blue Mountain Bike Park—Women’s Downhill Clinic with Oakley and Sacred Rides

September 9, 2015

by Mea­gan Broughton

Liv­ing local­ly to the Blue Moun­tain Bike Park, it’s been a dream of mine to get more women out Down­hill Moun­tain Bik­ing.  This sum­mer, all the stars aligned.

With an arti­cle in Moun­tain Life Mag­a­zine, “For The Love of Bikes”, piquing inter­est from its adven­ture-seek­ing female read­ers, an inspi­ra­tional trip to Whistler’s long-stand­ing and well-attend­ed Ladies Night, and the sup­port from Oak­ley and Sacred Rides, all the pieces of the puz­zle were lay­ing out in front of me.

Now it was time to get @#$* done.

“Now it was time to get @#$* done. ”

Moun­tain Life Mag­a­zine, Sum­mer 2015 Issue.  Page 42–44, arti­cle: “For the love of Bikes”.  Check out the full arti­cle here.

Blue Moun­tain Bike Park, Oak­ley and Sacred Rides joined forces on Sat­ur­day August 15th, 2015 for a much antic­i­pat­ed Women’s Down­hill Clinic.

The event attract­ed 18 eager female par­tic­i­pants and 4 stoked female coach­es and volunteers. 

The day start­ed with a morn­ing of skill devel­op­ment, fol­lowed by an after­noon of freerid­ing with new friends and coach­es on hand for demos and feed­back.  The day end­ed with the first ever 22-woman-train down Min­ions Rush, one of Blue’s newest (and wicked fun) flow trails.  These ladies made history!

“The day end­ed with the first ever 22-woman-train down Min­ions Rush, one of Blue’s newest (and wicked fun) flow trails.  These ladies made history!”

For those of you inter­est­ed in rid­ing Blue Moun­tain Bike Park, here are a cou­ple of resources to help keep you motivated:

Blue Moun­tain Bike Park Face­book Page — “Like” it and check in for news and events (like this one!).

Blue Moun­tain Bike Park Tues­day Night Race Series — 2016 date TBD.  To race, you should be com­fort­able on all of the Blue Trails.  There are two cat­e­gories: Rec (per­fect for those just get­ting into the sport and the top 3 win real­ly good prizes!) and Out­law (per­fect for those who want to push them­selves and the top 3 win cold-hard-cash!).

Blue Moun­tain Women’s Week­end with Sacred Rides — Join us for a week­end of true moun­tain bike adven­ture and pro­gres­sion in one of the world’s nat­ur­al won­ders.  Enjoy a full day of XC, rid­ing all of the best sin­gle­track high atop the Nia­gara Escarp­ment, and one full day rip­ping the DH trails of Blue Moun­tain Bike Park.  This trip includes 2 nights accom­mo­da­tion, break­fast, lunch, local craft brews and even a Holis­tic Break­fast and Nutri­tion­al Workshop!

Scroll down to check out more photos from The Blue Mountain Women’s Downhill Clinic. 

Oak­ley pro­vid­ed enough sweet prod­uct for all par­tic­i­pants.  Each and every one of them!  THANKS OAKLEY!  Pho­to: Mea­gan Broughton
Kel­li was the lucky win­ner of a 4‑day Wom­en’s Ride with Sacred Rides.  Des­ti­na­tions to choose from include UtahB.C. and Blue Moun­tain.  Con­grats Kel­li!   Pho­to: Eden Batty
Ari­an­na Veg­ter demon­strat­ing how low she can go in a cor­ner­ing exer­cise.  Pho­to: Jason Petznick
Smile!  The stun­ning back­drop of Geor­gian Bay nev­er gets old at The Blue Moun­tain Bike Park.  Pho­to: Jason Petznick
Shan­non Math­ieson prep­ping for the 22-woman-train down Min­ions Rush. Pho­to: Jason Petznick

Let the train begin!

Loca­tion: Min­ions Rush, The Blue Moun­tain Bike Park.  Pho­to: Jason Petznick
Loca­tion: Min­ions Rush, The Blue Moun­tain Bike Park.  Pho­to: Jason Petznick
Loca­tion: Min­ions Rush, The Blue Moun­tain Bike Park.  Pho­to: Jason Petznick
Loca­tion: Min­ions Rush, The Blue Moun­tain Bike Park.  Pho­to: Jason Petznick
Loca­tion: Min­ions Rush, The Blue Moun­tain Bike Park.  Pho­to: Jason Petznick
Bloopers…Photo: Jason Petznick