New to 2024, we’ve gone along with the emtb craze and cre­at­ed some­thing mag­nif­i­cent — a tour with hun­dreds of kilo­me­ters of amaz­ing BC sin­gle­track, thou­sands of meters of climb­ing, the best tech­ni­cal descents we can find, and an over­all expe­ri­ence that you’ll remem­ber for the rest of your life. The mod­ern ebike makes it pos­si­ble to com­plete so much rid­ing every day that you’ll check off many of the region’s best trails in a week’s time­frame, with just enough ener­gy to spare to get you back home at the end of it.


A dream trip — elec­tri­fied.  We’ve been fan­ta­siz­ing about this idea for some time, and thanks to our part­ner shop Gear Hub and their impres­sive rental fleet, we’re final­ly able to deliv­er the whole pack­age.  We designed this tour for con­fi­dent rid­ers, ready to uti­lize these bikes to their full poten­tial.  It’s 7 days in the sad­dle and a jam-packed itin­er­ary, with plen­ty of ver­ti­cal, because that’s what ebikes do best — EAT VERT.  There’s noth­ing sweet­er than climb­ing huge moun­tains with ease and float­ing down epic descents on state-of-the-art, plush, firm­ly plant­ed steeds with flaw­less han­dling.  Expe­ri­ence the eupho­ria of a Rocky Moun­tain Pow­er­play its nat­ur­al habi­tat, where the bikes’ true pow­ers shine through.  It’s hard to believe what you can do when mount­ed on one of these bikes.

Is This Ride For You?

Not to be fooled, this amount of rid­ing is fair­ly intense, and these emt­b’s do require sig­nif­i­cant phys­i­cal input.  Ebik­ing in the Rocky Moun­tains is for you if long, steep climbs don’t phase you, and tech­ni­cal, steep descents excite you!  You can han­dle roots, some­times wet, rocky ter­rain (climb­ing and descend­ing), nar­row sin­gle­track, and some expo­sure to cliffs and steep hill­sides. You’re com­fort­able and con­fi­dent rid­ing mul­ti­ple days in a row, up to 5 hours per day, and you’re not afraid to tack­le some black dia­mond descents. You live for long days on the bike, reward­ed by the com­forts of deli­cious food, gor­geous lodg­ing and a chilled bev­er­age always await­ing at the day’s end.


Day 1. Wel­come to the Rockies!

Our pri­vate shut­tle will meet you at the Cal­gary Inter­na­tion­al Air­port and dri­ve the group to our lodge in beau­ti­ful Fer­nie, about 3.5hrs away.

Upon arrival, we encour­age you to unpack, set­tle in and rest up for the week of adven­ture ahead. The lodge will be our home base for the next few days of Fer­nie trail rid­ing. Your bikes will be await­ing ful­ly charged and ready to rock. Sea­son to taste with your own ped­als, sad­dle, or grips if you so wish. If bring­ing your own ebike, we’ll pro­vide stands, tools, and help­ing hands for any­one need­ing assistance.

Tonight, we’ll all enjoy din­ner togeth­er as we prep for an amaz­ing week of riding.

Day 2. Mount Fer­nie Provin­cial Park

After a good night of rest, you’ll awak­en to the smell of fresh brewed cof­fee, with views of the Rock­ies to accom­pa­ny our hearty group break­fast at the lodge, cooked by your guides.

This morn­ing, we’ll have a quick rid­ers meet­ing at 9:30 am, then it’s time to hit the trails.

The fun starts imme­di­ate­ly as we start our ride straight from the ski hill and make our way to town through the old growth Provin­cial Park trails. These trails will give you a good chance to warm up for the day, and the rest of the tour.

We’ll have lunch on Main Street, then car­ry on to Mount Proc­tor, and final­ly Mount Fer­nie itself. The goal is 3 moun­tains today, 4 if we have the ener­gy remain­ing to ped­al home. The shut­tle and cool bev­er­ages will be ready when you are. Back into town for many din­ing options tonight.

Day 3. Cas­tle Moun­tain and Ridgemont

Today’s trail of choice is called “Slunt” like slog and grunt had a baby. It’s not all leg burn and heavy breath­ing, as this trail ends with a 470M descent!

We’ll knock out a big’ ol morn­ing ride on the trails around Fer­nie, then enjoy lunch on main street before head­ing onwards and upwards as high as the group wish­es to go above Ridge­mont — the sky is the lim­it. We can even top up our charges at Gear Hub if the group is real­ly feel­ing like a good pedal.

You’ll know what Fer­nie is all about after 2 full days of ebik­ing here.

There’s usu­al­ly time to pop into town and cruise the strip or relax in the hot tub before we dine in one of Fernie’s excel­lent restau­rants — maybe some sushi, maybe a local pub on the main street?

Day 4. Road Trip to Invermere

After a sim­ple break­fast at the lodge, we’ll pack up for our dri­ve to our next base­camp in Inver­mere. This will be a scenic, 2.5 hour dri­ve between the Rock­ies and Pur­cell moun­tain ranges, pass­ing Colum­bia Lake — the head­wa­ters of the Colum­bia Riv­er, and stop­ping in Fair­mont Hot Springs for lunch.

We’ll then ride the mas­ter­ful­ly craft­ed Swansea trail net­work fea­tur­ing awe­some sin­gle­track climb­ing to some beau­ti­ful down­hill flow trails. After the ride, we’ll check in to our down­town Inver­mere accom­mo­da­tion. Once set­tled in, we’ll have the abil­i­ty to ride to the beach then ride to din­ner over­look­ing the lake.

Day 5. Big moun­tain ride at Panorama

After break­fast, we’ll head up to Panora­ma Moun­tain Resort.

Today we’ll see what these batteries/legs can real­ly do.  This is the biggest ride of the trip, our ulti­mate tar­get being Goldie Ridge. It’s over 1,500 meters of climb­ing to get to this point, and the reward is more than worth it, but there are some low­er options avail­able too. Expe­ri­ence breath­tak­ing 360 degree views from this ridge­line before the incred­i­ble descent back to the resort base.

Once we make it back down, we’ll enjoy drinks and grub at the Pub, then head back to Inver­mere for some big relax­ing after our big day of pedaling. 

Day 6. Lil­lian Lake and Gold­en, BC

After break­fast, we’ll squeeze in a nice morn­ing ride at Lil­lian Lake to get the blood pump­ing and some killer views over Toby Creek Canyon. Then, it’s just over an hour dri­ve to Gold­en, where we’ll enjoy lunch togeth­er at a local spot.

Now, it’s on to the infa­mous Mount 7 — named after the dis­tinc­tive “7” snow for­ma­tion that appears each spring with the melt­ing snow. Back in the day, Mount 7 host­ed the Psy­chosis Race and has long been at the heart of local down­hill rid­ing in Golden.

After the ride, we check in to our chalet where the guides will pre­pare a BBQ din­ner for everyone.

Day 7. Moonraker

Today we have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to ride until we meet our hearts con­tent on the leg­endary Moon­rak­er trail net­work — dat­ing back to the 1980’s, these were orig­i­nal­ly Nordic ski trails that were then aban­doned and reclaimed as cross-coun­try moun­tain bike trails.

The days trail selec­tion will begin with some steep and tech­ni­cal, pro­gress­ing into smooth and flowy lines that go on for ages. We’ve got all day to pound out as many miles as possible.

This spin con­cludes on the shores of the mighty Colum­bia, with a bonus option to the White­tooth Brew­ery — home to Bel­gian and West Coast inspired beers. Go on, you earned it. Enjoy some chill time to reflect on the incred­i­ble week. Then we’ll get cleaned up and pop back into town for a qual­i­ty final din­ner at a local restaurant.

Day 8. Good­bye, BC!

Our final morn­ing begins with a post-break­fast rip straight out the back door. Final­ly, we’ll pack up and head out for an awe­some dri­ve through Yoho and Banff Nation­al Parks, stop­ping for lunch in Can­more for some local cui­sine before head­ing the rest of the way back to Calgary.

We can drop you off at either the Cal­gary Inter­na­tion­al Air­port by 4:30 PM or at the Acclaim Hotel Cal­gary Airport.

The fol­low­ing data rep­re­sents a typ­i­cal itin­er­ary, but adven­ture trav­el can be unpre­dictable and our Guides may need to make last-minute changes to ensure your enjoy­ment. Inclement weath­er, road clo­sures, changes to the itin­er­ary to accom­mo­date requests, and oth­er issues may affect the itin­er­ary. The ride data rep­re­sents an ‘aver­age’ itin­er­ary, and may dif­fer. Our guides make every effort to stick to the itin­er­ary as post­ed, but your safe­ty is our #1 priority.

Ride Data: Rocky Mountain Electric

Day Hours of rid­ing Dis­tance rid­den Ele­va­tion gained Ele­va­tion lost High­est ele­va­tion
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 4.5 30 4101 4101 4410
3 4.5 35 4901 4901 5233
4 4.5 18 2952 2952 5249
5 5.0 25 5184 5184 8599
6 4.0 23 4429 4429 6332
7 4.5 29 2100 2100 4888
8 2 14 1805 1805 6063
Totals 29 HRS

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Dates chosen: Sep. 07, 2024—Sep. 14, 2024
Skill Rating: Black Diamond
Fitness Rating: Blue Square
Exit Booking
Skill Levels
Black Diamond

The Black Diamond Rides are  suitable for riders looking for that edge. Maybe it’s the edge of a drop, the edge of a cliff, or singletrack requiring focus and fast reactions developed from extensive experience riding “the edge”. You will find yourself on steep trails of varied surfaces. In the Pacific North West that could be slick roots and loam, in Nepal you will find exposed granite in the Mustang Valley and in Guatemala it maybe narrow stairways through cliffside villages. While airtime is rarely required, the ability to find the backside or clean a tabletop should be comfortable or in a state of progress. Obstacles on Black rides are likely to be outside the range of your bikes ability to cover your goofs with its awesome suspension and grip.

Blue Square

In general, Blue trails are narrower than green trails, encounter unavoidable obstacles such as roots, rocks, and drops that are up to 8-inches tall. You will want to have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of mountain biking including body positions, powerful braking, cornering, riding on varied terrain, steep sections and experience riding trails that requires line choice. Airtime is not mandatory, but you will find yourself on trails with alternate lines giving you the option.

Double Black Diamond

A Double Black ride is for those that already know they are looking for a Double Black. It’s going to be very hard and require advanced bike handling skills. You will find yourself on trails with sections most non-riders would look at and say, “that’s totally nuts!”. You will know how to look at a line and contemplate where it will work and where it won’t. Drops of a couple feet should be comfortable and getting your bike off the ground should feel predictable and fun.

Green Circle

Typically, green Rides are safe for beginners. Green Rides may have both avoidable and unavoidable obstacles. Trails are generally low grade, wide, consistent surface texture and have minimal features. You are likely to come across unavoidable obstacles 2-inches or shorter, which is small enough for mountain bike tires to simply roll over. More challenging than tarmac, but in general, a wonderful Ride for those riders new to mountain biking or looking for a casual experience.

Fitness Levels
Black Diamond

A Black Fitness ride will test you. Aside from needing to be able to manage up to 6 hours on the bike, day after day, including distance up to 50km/30miles and elevation gains up to 1750m/5000feet of climbing, you will be adding extra challenges along the route like periods of hike-a-bike and the extra effort required by the whole body to safely dance with your bike over technical terrain. Generally, riders who are up for a Black Fitness ride, likely spend time on the bike a couple times each week.

Blue Square

Blue should be considered a good deal more effort than our Green Rides.  You should be able to handle 3 to 5 hours in the saddle covering up to 45km/30miles and be able to pull off a big day of 1000m/3000feet of elevation gain. Managing fuel is important as well.  You should have a good understanding how your body responds to multiple days on the bike. We will help with positive coaching, a manageable pace and plenty of trailside snacks.

Double Black Diamond

A Double Black will be for those with the strength and endurance to get to the top of anything they want and understand the term “turning the screw”. Distance could be quite high on some routes and elevation gain numbers could hit 2000m/6000 feet+ in a day. You are likely riding multiple days a week during the dry periods and have a trainer or belong to a gym for the rest of the year.

Green Circle

You should be ready to spend 2-4 hours per day on the bike. Mileage may be up to 30km/20 miles and elevation gain will be under 500m/1500feet. On e-MTB tours, numbers will be higher, however the approximate effort would be considered similar to a standard Green Circle ride. If you get on your bike once a week, you will be just fine. However, when preparing for a Ride, you will benefit from more rides and time in the saddle.