
Mountain Biking and Heli-Biking in Spain: a Photo Journal

November 28, 2019

A helicopter flying over the Pyrenees mountains in Spain, with four mountain bikes on racks.

Unforgettable Mountain Biking Experiences through Beautiful Spain

Join us on our Pyre­nees & Beyond tour for some unfor­get­table moun­tain bik­ing expe­ri­ences through beau­ti­ful Spain. You’ll ped­al trails that criss­cross over mil­lion-year-old sea beds through aban­doned mid­dle-age vil­lages, across wine regions, and along rocky foothills. Then meet the rugged Pyre­nees to expe­ri­ence heli-access moun­tain biking.

The ter­rain offers up the per­fect ingre­di­ents for an awe-inspir­ing moun­tain bike trip. Heli-drops, shut­tle runs, and tech­ni­cal sin­gle­track rid­ing in the heart of the Pyre­nees is topped off with mouth-water­ing Span­ish cui­sine (tapas includ­ed), local wine pair­ings, and rich cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences. Descend 4,000 ver­ti­cal metres in one day, ped­al by 1,000-year-old cas­tles, and take count­less pho­tographs. The mem­o­ries you’ll cre­ate on this ride with not be forgotten.

Words Can’t Do It Justice

A pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words, so with­out fur­ther ado, scroll through our gallery to get a taste of the incred­i­ble moun­tain bik­ing, stun­ning scenery, and fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry Spain has to offer. 

A woman standing next to her mountain bike, looking out over a valley at mountains and the 11th century town of Aínsa, Spain.
Tak­ing a break from a glo­ri­ous day of moun­tain bik­ing to look out towards the 11th cen­tu­ry town of Aín­sa, Spain.
An abandoned stone fortress in Ainsa, Spain.
Explor­ing trail­side aban­doned church­es near Ain­sa, Spain.
Mountain biker riding down a dirt hill on a trail through the Pyrenees in Spain.
Find­ing a lit­tle flow! Rid­ing trails from the 2018 Enduro World Series (EWS) in Ain­sa, Spain.
Three mountain bikers taking a break to look at fossils they found during a ride through the Pyrenees in Spain.
A trail­side stop to check out ancient fossils. 
Three mountain bikers sitting on a bench as they look out over a valley in Spain.
Snack break look­ing out over the his­toric town of Ain­sa, Spain.
View of old town of Ainsa, Spain and ancient courtyard, looking out from hotel room window.
View from the bal­cony of our hotel in beau­ti­ful Ain­sa, Spain.
Two mountain bikers riding through Spain, coming up over a hill on a brown dirt path with the Pyrenees and an old stone fortress behind them.
Moun­tain bik­ing amongst his­toric forts and cas­tles in Spain.
Helicopter and Mountain Bikes
Load­ing the moun­tain bikes onto the helicopter!
Fisheye lens view from a helicopter of the landscape and old town in Spain
Impres­sive views of mid­dle-age vil­lages from above.
View from backseat of helicopter at the pilots and through front window. Ground below is green and brown.
Time to get above the treeline! 
View from above, in the helicopter, of the helicopter's shadow as it takes mountain bike riders to Pyrenees mountains.
Almost at the top of the Pyre­nees mountains. 
Helicopter carrying several mountain bikes flying over the mountains
The Pyre­nees moun­tains pro­vide a beau­ti­ful backdrop. 
Helicopter carrying mountain bikes coming in to land over mountainous, brown landscape
Two men on the ground guiding a helicopter as it lands at the summit
Dropped off at the sum­mit and wait­ing for the rest of the rid­ing crew to arrive. 
Helicopter that's landed on the mountain summit in the Pyrenees in Spain. Two people are pulling mountain bikes off the side bike racks.
Time to unload the bikes and take in the beau­ti­ful view from the summit. 
Several mountain bikers—some walking their bikes and some riding them—going up a steep dirt hill in the Pyrenees mountains in Spain.
A quick 5‑minute push-up to the sum­mit and then we’re ready to start a 2,500 metre descent! 
Mountain bikers from the previous photo riding down the other side of the mountain they previously ascended.
Let the fun begin! Par­ty train off the top. 
Lone mountain bike rider cutting across a singletrack in the heart of the Pyrenees, Spain.
Enjoy­ing sweet sin­gle­track trails in the heart of the Pyrenees. 
Two mountain bike riders riding through an Alpine forest trail.
Two moun­tain bike rid­ers rid­ing through an Alpine for­est trail.
Two smiling mountain bike riders from the tour relaxing with beer.
Every incred­i­ble ride gets even bet­ter with your favourite post-ride bev­er­age. Cheers to an amaz­ing ride!

If you’d like to know more about the his­tor­i­cal vil­lage of Aín­sa, Spain, locat­ed south of the Pyre­nees, check out this Lone­ly Plan­et Guide.

And check out this fea­ture about the 2017 Trans-Nomad Enduro Adven­ture Race through the Pyre­nees (across both Spain and France).