
Mountain Biking (and Whitewater Rafting) in Patagonia: for Serious Adventurer-Seekers Only

August 19, 2020

Mountain Biker walking bike over a small, wood suspension bridge over wide blue river

Escape to par­adise at the end of the world, where you’ll spend 9 days moun­tain bik­ing and white water raft­ing in Patag­o­nia. This itin­er­ary, led by expe­ri­enced and knowl­edge­able local guides in the remote regions of the spec­tac­u­lar Andes moun­tain range, is the per­fect com­bi­na­tion for adventure-seekers. 

Watch the video below for a glimpse of this expe­ri­ence-of-a-life­time and read what oth­er rid­ers said about their time with us in Patagonia.

The True Patagonia Mountain Biking Experience:

“The rid­ing was awe­some, it cov­ered all the sights and types of ter­rain that the locals would do in Patag­o­nia. I thought the plan­ning and vari­ety of the trails were awe­some and the guides real­ly took into account our styles and abil­i­ties and made adjust­ments every day to ensure we got the most out of every oppor­tu­ni­ty to have fun while chal­leng­ing our­selves and get­ting the true Patag­o­nia rid­ing expe­ri­ence. My favourite trail was the Man­so For­est trail which was so beau­ti­ful! We cer­tain­ly got enough rid­ing, and the guides made sure every indi­vid­ual per­son got to do as much rid­ing as they want­ed, going out of their way to arrange for some to have a rest but still get to expe­ri­ence all the excite­ment they had to offer, as well as ensur­ing those that want­ed more rid­ing could also fit that in with­out leav­ing any­one feel­ing left out. Amaz­ing orga­ni­za­tion and flexibility!”

Knowledgeable, Friendly, and Helpful Guides:

“One of the things I liked most about the trip was learn­ing about Patag­o­nia, the wildlife, flo­ra, rivers and cul­ture.. Julian was excel­lent at this. He is an excel­lent guide and his skills could­n’t be fault­ed.  All the guides were friend­ly and help­ful. They looked after my bike very well in tran­sit. The dai­ly itin­er­ary was well com­mu­ni­cat­ed the night before.”

Yet Another Shout Out to the Exceptional Guides

“Julian (guide) is off the charts…a 9/9 just does­n’t cut it!! He’s pro­fes­sion­al, play­ful, and a per­fec­tion­ist! He’s inspir­ing, strong in lead­er­ship skills and will call you out ..if need be! Lol! Ezekiel is the strong silent type with a heart of gold- the best smile and an amaz­ing rid­er as we watched him casu­al­ly bring anoth­er bike down a very steep hill as if it were noth­ing! Wow! We also had time with Mir­co, who is intel­li­gent, kind and so will­ing to go the extra mile for every­one! He’s got a quick smile and could prob­a­bly ride for days, he’s also great in the kitchen! He’s will­ing to do what­ev­er is need­ed! All guides were so informed regard­ing trails, his­to­ry, and cul­ture. They were patient when asked unnec­es­sary ques­tions, they were always keep­ing us up to date with the dai­ly itin­er­ary. They were SO friend­ly and all had great per­son­al­i­ties- a great team!!”

Join us for the ulti­mate moun­tain bik­ing expe­ri­ence in Patag­o­nia, on our 9‑day Ped­al and Pad­dle ride.

Need more con­vinc­ing? Check out these arti­cles!
Pink Bike — Turn­ing Cranks in Argenti­na: A Sin­gle­track Adven­ture
Pink Bike — Video & Pho­to Sto­ry: An Adven­ture in Patag­o­nia with a Bike & a Bee­tle
Lone­ly Plan­et — Argenti­na: Patag­o­nia is Majes­tic Glac­i­ers and Mountains