
Mountain Biking Guatemala: Video

August 31, 2017

Screenshot of YouTube Video showing rolling green mountains under a cloudy sky in Guatemala

As the days become short­er and the evenings grow longer, you may be start­ing to think about a win­ter moun­tain bike adven­ture.  Guatemala offers the per­fect loca­tion for a win­ter moun­tain bike escape. There are few places on Earth where thou­sand-year-old cul­tures and incred­i­ble sin­gle­track co-exist– and Guatemala is right at the top of the list. If rid­ing pass­es through Cen­tral Amer­i­ca’s high­est moun­tain range and feast­ing your eyes on spec­tac­u­lar lakes and vol­ca­noes sounds appeal­ing, you’ve come to the right place.

Step back in his­to­ry as you expe­ri­ence vibrant Mayan cul­ture in one of Cen­tral Amer­i­ca’s most spec­tac­u­lar coun­tries. Guatemala is explod­ing with fas­ci­nat­ing cul­ture, spec­tac­u­lar vol­ca­noes and lakes, and tech­ni­cal sin­gle­track rid­ing. Join us for some win­ter sun­shine! Join us as we embark on days filled with epic moun­tain bik­ing adven­tures, and evenings enjoyed in the com­forts of award-win­ning and cul­tur­al­ly rich, high-end accommodations.