May 4, 2017

Hey, My name is Ryan and I’m the Ride Director and Lead Guide for Sacred Rides British Columbia. I’ve been in a steady relationship with bikes for about 32 years. I enjoy a wide variety of biking; be it all day all mountain, full speed downhill, free-ride, dirt jumps, trials, errors, you name it, I’ll ride it. When I’m not rolling on a bicycle, I enjoy fixing them, or, rolling on dirt bikes and skateboards, sliding on snow, climbing on rocks, yoga, slacklining and parkour. A general love for action sports and the natural world drives my passion to make a living doing what I love, and to share these experiences with others.
With years of experience mountain biking in British Columbia, and being part of the Fernie mountain biking scene, I have compiled a list of my favourite top 10 mountain bike trails in Fernie, B.C.—the place I call home.
Experience the best mountain biking in British Columbia on our 6–13 Day Guided Mountain Bike Adventures. You’ll get a taste of the best fernie mountain biking trails.
Hope you ride with you in British Columbia soon!
- Ryan dropping in on Dirt Diggler in Fernie.
My Top 10 Trails in Fernie, British Columbia
Disclaimer: This list covers a wide array of trails, and showcases the diversity of mountain biking in British Columbia.. I love the challenge of riding it all on one bike (my 6″ travel Knolly Warden), and I invite you to do the same. You can park anywhere in Fernie, and easily access all of these trails.
The following photos all represent trails in Fernie, a couple photos do not match the trail name they are under.
Get the most out of each ride and go fully guided in B.C. with one of our kick-ass guided mountain bike trips in British Columbia — all based out of the beautiful, rocky mountain town of Fernie.
Rating: Black Diamond
This is a long time favourite of mine. It’s fast, twisty, and a heavy dose of technical. There are many tight corners, root beds and surprises that throw you for a loop every time, I call it ‘broken flow’. A solid seven minutes of nearly full speed shredding that leaves me feeling like I could do something better every time I ride it. Compare your time to the pros for a slice of humble pie.

Rating: Black Diamond
This trail is not on everyone’s top 10, because it’s a cardio pumper. It takes you through several steep ups and downs that require massive plyometric bursts of energy to ride quickly. Calm your breathing before you start, then give ‘er hard and crank through Kush, Kushier, Kushiest, and the latest extension Kushion for a 4 part cardio-crusher with some awesome high speed sections. I’m sad to say the area has been freshly logged, but the trail remains, and it will come back to life the more it gets ridden.

Rating: Double Black Diamond
The reason for the trails name was a result of Brad not coming to dig, just so you know.. This is an advanced free-ride jump trail, recently rebuilt with fully formed dirt jumps, berms, and rollers from top to bottom. Unless you frequent 15–20ft gaps, then this isn’t for you, but go check it out just for fun. It’s one of the first trails I laid eyes on in Fernie, and it certainly made me think ‘Wow Man, Fernie is Rad’.

- Phat Bastard
Rating: Black Diamond
What? An uphill in the top 10 list?! Yeah, that’s right. This is uphill at the finest. An example of how real mountain bikers like to climb. This ain’t no fire road, well actually it starts with a road climb to warm you up, then some tough double track to get the blood flowing and oxygen pumping, and then it gets HARD, but offers just enough breaks to catch half a breath between the 14 or so crux’s along the way.

- Red Sonja
Rating: Black Diamond
When you get to the top of Phat Bastard then get into DH mode for this ripping descent. It only takes a couple minutes, but all you will remember is a blur of excitement. This adrenaline rush is like sky diving — it happens fast, but it lasts a while. Combine with the trail Mushroom Head to get the full experience.

- Project 9
Rating: Black Diamond
Legendary. There’s a beer named after it. Check out the Fernie Brewing Company!

- Swine Flu
Rating: Blue
The locals favourite afternoon quicky. Feel like you need to squeeze one in? Go get some Swine Flu and come down feeling oddly satisfied every time (unless you blow one of those corners — these things happen). Want to get inspired to come ride Swine Flu… WATCH THIS (video on Pink Bike)!

- Undisclosed Name—Steep and Scary Downhill
Rating: Double Black Diamond
If you ask the locals about a trail name that starts with a hot dog condiment, and ends with a striped animal, they might tell you about a place where only crazy people go. They will first size you up, size up your bike, and ask “Who sent you here?” Tell them you heard that this trail is amongst the steepest in BC and you wish to conquer it. Only then may the location be revealed. They might also suggest you ride Dopamine and Diggler first.

- Old Goat
Rating: Blue
Fernie Provincial Park is a magical place. Lose yourself in this AM trail network through incredible old growth forest. It’s rather coastal-like in the mossy, damp, thriving natural eco-system. The trees are huge, the scent is super natural, and the trail surface is always loamy and organic feeling. End a day of lift-access at Fernie Alpine Resort with a long meandering flow through the Park, all the way back to town. This is a unique experience you can only get here in one of the best mountain biking towns in B.C.

- Unbuilt Downhill Jump Flow Trail—Coming September 2017!
The trail building community in Fernie is very active and progressive. A lot goes into maintaining the high quality trails we have, and a lot of money and effort go into new trails every year. A project is officially getting under way to create a modern super flow downhill jump, berm, and roller trail. It will be a blue level free-ride trail filled with black level bonus features. We’re excited and I know it will be on my top 10 list when it’s finished, come check it out soon!

For more information and travel tips on mountain biking in British Columbia, check out our article “Planning a Mountain Bike Trip to British Columbia: Must-See, Must-Do”
Also check out the Fernie Tourism website and Tourism B.C. and for all the other awesome activities you can do in the area!
And remember, always go local. Riding with a local guide and mountain bike expert in your chosen destination has endless benefits for both your overall experience and safety. If you’re thinking of mountain biking in Fernie, we’d love to hear from you. Whether you decide to travel with us or on your own, we’re always excited to chat about mountain biking!