COVID-19 Protocols

Spend­ing time in the great out­doors is one of the safest places to be dur­ing these uncer­tain times. The team at Sacred Rides under­stands the impor­tance of our time qual­i­ty out­door time and have put togeth­er many pro­ce­dures to keep our guests and staff safe and healthy so we can con­tin­ue to run our trips. We start­ed run­ning trips again in March of 2021 and are con­fi­dent in the pre­cau­tions we take. We want your trav­els with us to be stress free and enjoy. Here are the rules and pro­to­cols we have in place for our guests and guides. 

Tour Rules and Procedures

  • All guests and guides are required to be ful­ly vaccinated. 
  • Guests will be asked to com­plete a health and trav­el sur­vey regard­ing their health and recent trav­el and expo­sure pos­si­bil­i­ties. Issues that arise will be addressed through re-scheduling. 
  • Guests and guides with any symp­toms the week before the trip will be asked to reschedule. 
  • Touch only your per­son­al gear. 
    • Before using water jug, grab­bing snacks and/or drinks you must wash or san­i­tize your hands. 
    • Hand san­i­tiz­er and wipes are always avail­able in the van 
  • Social dis­tanc­ing (6ft) will be implemented 
  • We will avoid high­ly traf­ficked areas and eat out­doors when pos­si­ble. Itin­er­aries may be slight­ly adjust­ed due to this protocol. 
  • You will be asked if you have any covid-19 symp­toms. Tem­per­a­ture will be checked 
  • If lunch is at the van or trail­head, you must wash and/or san­i­tize your hands before going through food line or grab­bing drinks. 
  • Guides are cer­ti­fied Safe Food Han­dlers and have been trained to Nation­al Park Stan­dards which include virus aware­ness techniques. 
  • Social dis­tance in line and while sit­ting around van. 
  • All pas­sen­gers in shut­tle vans will wear masks. 
    • If you for­get your mask, we will have extras on hand. 
  • Guides will have hand san­i­tiz­er and/or hand wipes avail­able in the vehicle. 

  • Sur­faces in shut­tle vans are com­plete­ly san­i­tized and cleaned between trips and each morning. 
  • All equip­ment is com­plete­ly cleaned and san­i­tized between trips. 
    • Bikes are tuned, as well as washed. 
    • Kitchen equip­ment and cool­ers are all sanitized.