
A Day on a British Columbia Mountain Bike Tour

August 7, 2019

Peo­ple are often ask­ing us,  “What’s it like to go on a Sacred Rides trip?” It’s a dif­fi­cult ques­tion to answer because we can nev­er find just the right words to describe the expe­ri­ence and do it jus­tice. So let’s just show you, instead. Scroll to the bot­tom of this post to watch a “day in the life” video of a moun­tain bike tour in beau­ti­ful British Columbia.

A woman riding a mountain bike on a trail overlooking the  mountains of British Columbia on our Rocky Mountain Rambler tour.
Our moun­tain bike tours in British Colum­bia high­light the very best of the region: from the trails and the great out­doors to the warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty of our guides and the peo­ple who live here.

On each of our moun­tain bike adven­tures, we show­case the best trails in each des­ti­na­tion. The warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty and knowl­edge of local guides make the rid­ing that much bet­ter. But it’s not just about the rid­ing: curat­ed by our pro­fes­sion­al guid­ing team, the moments off the bike hold just as much mag­ic as the rides themselves.

When a group of peo­ple comes togeth­er that is fueled by a shared pas­sion, new friend­ships form, many laughs are had, and by the end of the trip, rid­ers feel like they’ve known each oth­er for years. 

So with­out fur­ther ado, here’s that glimpse of a day on our Rocky Moun­tain Rambler tour. 

British Columbia “Rocky Mountain Rambler” Bike Tour: Watch the Video

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