
$ 3,595.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 9 days
  • Fit­ness: Black Diamond
  • Skill: Black Diamond

Big, mas­sive, epic down­hills — that’s the rid­ing on our Inca adven­ture. There are few words that can match the grand scale of moun­tain bik­ing in the Andes. Descend 50,000 feet on this incred­i­ble mul­ti-day down­hill adven­ture in the Andes. Shred the Lares Trail start­ing at 14,500 feet and experience…

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$ 4,200.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 8 days
  • Fit­ness: Blue Square
  • Skill: Green Circle

This incred­i­ble itin­er­ary serves of a heap­ing por­tion of his­to­ry, cul­ture and out­door adven­ture, tak­ing you from the foot hills of the Andes, the world’s sec­ond largest moun­tain range, and through one of the most bio diverse areas of the world: the Ama­zon jun­gle of Peru. Unlike the tourist hordes,…

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$ 3,595.00

  • Ride Type: Mountain
  • Dura­tion: 9 days
  • Fit­ness: Black Diamond
  • Skill: Black Diamond

Were the Inca moun­tain bik­ers? Judg­ing by the mas­sive net­work of trails and roads they built all over Peru (10,000 km by some esti­mates) at the peak of their empire, mod­ern-day archae­ol­o­gists could be mis­tak­en for think­ing they were. On this Ride, we’ll explore South Amer­i­ca’s best sin­gle­track, get a…

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