
Video: Fire and Ice — Iceland

September 24, 2018

Many mountain bikers standing in a line to pose for picture while standing on grassy area in Iceland

Well, we have offi­cial­ly end­ed our 2018 sum­mer season! 

We wel­comed Rid­ers from around the world to British Colum­bia,  Switzer­land, Italy,  Slove­nia, Croa­t­ia, and Cal­i­for­nia to ride the best trails, and expe­ri­ence the local area with our amaz­ing guid­ing team. 

We also ran our first Fire and Ice  Ride in stun­ning Ice­land, here’s a short video that high­lights the incred­i­ble scenery and rid­ing. If Ice­land isn’t on your ‘bike-it’ list, it’s time to add it!

“Guides were great, real­ly went the extra mile. Camp­fire at the end, gui­tar play­ing and singing, Ice­landic snacks and his­to­ry… Fantastic! ”